Frederick Harvesting

Kansas Ag News Headlines
Kansas Cotton Bolling Ahead of 2019 Pace
Kansas Ag Connection - 08/11/2020

For the week ending Sunday, there were 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 5% very short, 19% short, 68% adequate, and 8% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 6% very short, 18% short, 69% adequate, and 7% surplus.

Corn condition rated 4% very poor, 7% poor, 27% fair, 48% good, and 14% excellent. Corn silking was 95%, near 91% last year, and equal to the five-year average. Dough was 67%, ahead of 50% last year and 61% average. Dented was 26%, ahead of 18% last year and 20% average.

Soybean condition rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 25% fair, 52% good, and 18% excellent. Soybeans blooming was 85%, ahead of 68% last year, and near 81% average. Setting pods was 64%, well ahead of 34% last year, and ahead of 51% average.

Sorghum condition rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 23% fair, 57% good, and 15% excellent. Sorghum headed was 63%, well ahead of 41% last year, and ahead of 58% average. Coloring was 9%, near 5% last year and 7% average.

Cotton condition rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 47% fair, 42% good, and 4% excellent. Cotton squaring was 89%, ahead of 83% both last year and average. Setting bolls was 40%, ahead of 35% last year, and near 37% average. Bolls opening was 1%, equal to both last year and average.

Pasture and range conditions rated 4% very poor, 11% poor, 31% fair, 46% good, and 8% excellent.

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