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Kansas Ag News Headlines
Kansas Farmers Get Nearly Perfect Week for Fieldwork
Kansas Ag Connection - 06/28/2016

For the week ending Sunday, temperatures were six to eight degrees above normal across most of the State, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Rainfall amounts of one inch or more were reported in southern and central counties, with lesser amounts in the northeast and northwest. There were 5.9 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture rated 6 percent very short, 24 short, 65 adequate, and 5 surplus. Subsoil moisture rated 3 percent very short, 20 short, 75 adequate, and 2 surplus.

Winter wheat condition rated 1 percent very poor, 7 poor, 28 fair, 48 good, and 16 excellent. Winter wheat harvested was 58 percent, well ahead of 37 last year, and ahead of the fiveyear average of 50.

Corn condition rated 2 percent very poor, 6 poor, 27 fair, 58 good, and 7 excellent. Corn silking was 17 percent, ahead of 11 last year and 12 average.

Soybean condition rated 2 percent very poor, 6 poor, 33 fair, 55 good, and 4 excellent. Soybeans planted was 95 percent, ahead of 82 last year, and near 92 average. Emerged was 84 percent, ahead of 65 last year, and near 83 average.

Sorghum condition rated 0 percent very poor, 2 poor, 24 fair, 71 good, and 3 excellent. Sorghum planted was 94 percent, ahead of 88 last year, and near 91 average. Headed was 9 percent, ahead of 0 both last year and average.

Cotton condition rated 0 percent very poor, 1 poor, 30 fair, 65 good and 4 excellent. Cotton planted was 80 percent, behind 86 last year and 95 average. Squaring was 13 percent, ahead of 4 last year, and near 10 average.

Sunflowers planted was 82 percent, ahead of 76 last year, and near 80 average. Emerged was 63 percent, ahead of 53 last year, and near 61 average.

Alfalfa hay condition rated 1 percent very poor, 6 poor, 29 fair, 58 good, and 6 excellent. Alfalfa hay second cutting was 37 percent complete, ahead of 21 last year, but near 40 average.

Pasture and range conditions rated 0 percent very poor, 4 poor, 25 fair, 60 good, and 11 excellent. Stock water supplies were 2 percent very short, 5 short, 90 adequate, and 3 surplus.

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