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Beef prices dip after July record highs

Beef prices dip after July record highs

By Jamie Martin

As summer festivities wind down, consumers might notice a minor drop in beef prices, which soared to unprecedented levels in July. 

The average retail price per pound for all-fresh beef peaked at $8.15, marking a historical first by surpassing $8. This slight relief comes as demand typically reduces at summer's end, but tight cattle supplies are expected to sustain elevated price levels.

Despite the decline, the cattle market remains in a contraction phase influenced by low inventory levels that trace back several years. Economic incentives currently favor the selling of cattle rather than expanding herds, contributing to ongoing supply shortages.

While retail beef prices are decreasing marginally, the cost dynamics within the industry show that farmers see limited financial return from these sales.

A significant portion of the retail dollar benefits packers, with farmers receiving only about 34 cents of every dollar spent on beef. This distribution highlights the minimal control farmers have over market prices and the challenges in achieving profitability within the sector.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-sstajic

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