Un-BEE-lievable — there’s a new app designed to help you identify bee species and help with conservation efforts. A professor at Kansas State University created it.
The app is called BeeMachine. You take a picture on your phone and upload it to the app. Then, it tells you what bee species you’re looking at.
Three Light apartment tower set to open soon in downtown Kansas City “It can be used by anyone from scientist to backyard gardeners,” Dr. Brian Spiesman said, an assistant professor in the Department of Entomology at K-State.
BeeMachine is available on any Android and iOS phone.
Here’s how it works. The app uses artificial intelligence to locate the bee in the picture and tells you what species it is, along with educational information.
“Once you press save, it saves the location of the sighting, the date of the sighting, the image that was captured,” Spiesman said. “Then it gets contributed to a database that scientists can use to track new populations.”
Source: fox4kc.com
Photo Credit: pixabay-myriams-fotos
Categories: Kansas, Education