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Matchless - New Kentucky Bluegrass Variety Boosts Yields

Matchless - New Kentucky Bluegrass Variety Boosts Yields

By Jamie Martin

Washington State University researchers have released a new Kentucky bluegrass variety called "Matchless." Developed from "Kenblue," Matchless offers seed growers higher yields while eliminating the need for harmful field burning, a previously common practice. This environmentally friendly approach benefits both growers and consumers.

For decades, Kentucky bluegrass growers relied on field burning to manage stubble, thatch, and disease. However, environmental concerns led to a ban on this practice in Washington in 1998. While the ban didn't halt the industry, it limited variety options and increased production costs.

“The ban had a huge impact on an important crop,” said Michael Neff, WSU professor and director of WSU’s turfgrass research program. “The ban didn’t kill the dryland bluegrass seed production industry, but it limited the varieties that could be grown and increased costs for those that could. Matchless adds yield and profit for growers.”

“Many people care a lot about the environmental impact of the products they use,” Neff said. “Matchless can be marketed as a ‘cleaner’ variety. It’s also cheaper than burning.”

The development of Matchless involved years of meticulous work, as traditional breeding methods are less effective with Kentucky bluegrass. Identifying unique plants among a sea of clones requires significant skill and patience.

Despite the challenges, the effort is worthwhile. Kentucky bluegrass is highly valued for its aesthetic appeal, durability, and resilience, making it a popular choice for sports fields, golf courses, and home lawns.

While consumers may not directly see Matchless in seed bags, it contributes to the overall quality and sustainability of Kentucky bluegrass products.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-livingimages

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