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USDA greenlights HB4® drought-tolerant wheat

USDA greenlights HB4® drought-tolerant wheat

By Jamie Martin

The U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) has welcomed the USDA's recent deregulation of the HB4® drought-tolerant wheat trait, a development poised to transform wheat farming in America.

Developed by Bioceres Crop Solutions, this trait could lead to more stable and sustainable wheat production amidst rising global demand.

“A drought-tolerant trait offers more stable and sustainable production. At the same time, it is important that customers who may be concerned about introducing transgenic wheat into U.S. supplies understand the industry supports their ability to purchase the type of wheat they want. That remains our policy after more than 16 years.” – Michael Peters, USW Past Chairman.

While the USDA’s approval clears the path for HB4® cultivation in the U.S., several steps remain before it reaches commercial fields.

USW pledges to oversee these developments closely, ensuring they align with the Wheat Industry Principles for Biotechnology Commercialization.

Bioceres has also secured approvals for HB4® in various countries and is conducting field trials internationally. These steps illustrate a robust global interest in drought-resistant wheat varieties, potentially enhancing food security and environmental sustainability worldwide.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ygrek

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