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Kansas crop progress shows mixed results

Kansas crop progress shows mixed results

By Scout Nelson

In Kansas, farmers enjoyed five days suitable for fieldwork, as reported by the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. The soil moisture varied, with topsoil moisture at 18% very short and 8% surplus, and subsoil moisture similarly diverse.

Winter wheat showed steady progress, with 94% of the crop headed, surpassing both last year's figure and the five-year average. The wheat's overall condition varied, with 32% rated as fair and a small portion rated excellent. Additionally, wheat coloring reached 53%, and a slight 2% of the crop has matured.

Corn planting in Kansas is also going well, with 85% of the crop in the ground, which is ahead of both last year and the average. The emergence rate of corn is similarly ahead of schedule. The corn's condition is mostly good to excellent, which bodes well for the season.

Soybean planting is slightly behind last year but still ahead of the average, with 55% of the crop planted and 34% emerged. Sorghum and sunflower planting are also progressing well, each ahead of last year's and the average pace.

Cotton planting has seen significant advances, with 72% of the crops planted, much ahead of the typical pace, and the crop's condition is largely favorable.

Pasture and range conditions were also reported, with most pastures rated from fair to excellent. This provides a solid foundation for grazing and pasture management throughout the state.

The week's weather has shown considerable progress in crop development and management, setting a hopeful tone for the agricultural season in Kansas.

Photo Credit -usda

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Categories: Kansas, Crops

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