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Taiwanese students explore Kansas agriculture

Taiwanese students explore Kansas agriculture

By Scout Nelson

In an educational and cultural exchange, six students from National Chung Hsing University visited Kansas from March 30 to April 6, 2024. The visit marked the first time Taiwanese students participated in this bilateral exchange, aimed at deepening understanding of Kansas' agricultural practices and its impact on international trade.

The students, studying diverse subjects like international business, animal sciences, and biotechnology, were hosted by Kansas State University (K-State) students who had previously visited Taiwan.

"It was an honor to host the delegation and showcase many different facets of Kansas agriculture," stated Suzanne Ryan-Numrich, international trade director at KDA.

The week was packed with visits to notable agricultural sites across Kansas, providing the students with a comprehensive view of the agriculture value chain.

The delegation's itinerary included visits to Kansas State University's animal research units and agronomy farm, Kansas Wheat, and various farms and businesses integral to the state’s agricultural sector.

"I enjoyed every moment I spent in the beautiful state of Kansas," shared Grace Huang, a student delegate. Their tour highlighted the extensive research and investment in agriculture, showcasing efforts to enhance productivity and sustainability.

This exchange not only offered a practical understanding of agricultural operations but also facilitated cultural interactions. "This program has been extremely beneficial to both the K-State students as well as the Taiwanese students," mentioned Katie Cummings, a K-State sophomore in agriculture education.

The program, involving KDA and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, emphasizes the significance of international agricultural exchanges. Taiwan, Kansas' sixth-largest agricultural trading partner in 2023, benefited from these exchanges, enhancing trade relationships and boosting future export opportunities.

Each fall, the Taiwan Youth Exchange Program opens its application process to K-State students, continuing to build on the educational and cultural foundations established by these exchanges. This ongoing program promises to enhance global agricultural understanding and cooperation for years to come.

Photo Credit -kansas-state-university

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Categories: Kansas, Business, Education

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