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Apply now for organic certification cost share

Apply now for organic certification cost share

By Scout Nelson

The Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) is now accepting applications for the National Organic Certification Cost Share Program (NOCCSP).

This program helps certified organic operators, including farms, ranches, and businesses that produce, process, or package organic products, by reimbursing them for eligible certification expenses.

The National Organic Program's NOCCSP seeks to lower the expenses of to gaining and retaining organic certification. Up to a maximum of $750 per certification scope, KDA will refund 75% of the total permissible certification costs. Crops, animals, wild crops, and handling (processing) are some of these areas.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency provides funds to state agencies like KDA, which then directly reimburse organic operations for their certification costs.

The reimbursable costs must have been incurred between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024. Applications for reimbursement are accepted through October 31, 2024, or until funds are exhausted. Applicants can submit their applications by mail or email.

KDA is committed to supporting all aspects of agriculture, including aiding those who market and sell certified organic products.

Photo Credit -kansas-department-of-agriculture

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Categories: Kansas, Government & Policy

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