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Kansas crop progress report shows strong winter wheat harvest

Kansas crop progress report shows strong winter wheat harvest

By Scout Nelson

Kansas reported 4.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending July 7, 2024, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 5 percent very short, 15 percent short, 70 percent adequate, and 10 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 7 percent very short, 21 percent short, 68 percent adequate, and 4 percent surplus.

The field crops report highlighted significant progress in the winter wheat harvest, which reached 92 percent completion. This is a substantial increase compared to 55 percent last year and 72 percent for the five-year average.

Corn conditions showed a strong performance with 2 percent rated very poor, 5 percent poor, 28 percent fair, 47 percent good, and 18 percent excellent. Corn silking was at 47 percent, ahead of last year's 31 percent and well above the 27 percent average.

Corn dough stage reached 4 percent, close to 3 percent last year and above the 2 percent average.

Soybean conditions were also favorable, with 0 percent rated very poor, 3 percent poor, 23 percent fair, 55 percent good, and 19 percent excellent. Soybean emergence was at 95 percent, nearly matching last year's 94 percent and the average.

Soybean blooming was at 17 percent, trailing last year's 27 percent and the 22 percent average. Soybeans setting pods were at 1 percent, behind 7 percent last year and near the 3 percent average.

Sorghum conditions showed 2 percent very poor, 5 percent poor, 35 percent fair, 45 percent good, and 13 percent excellent. Sorghum planting was at 96 percent, ahead of last year's 91 percent and equal to the average.

Sorghum heading was at 4 percent, close to 7 percent last year and the 6 percent average.

Cotton conditions were reported as 0 percent very poor, 7 percent poor, 36 percent fair, 39 percent good, and 18 percent excellent.

Cotton squaring reached 63 percent, ahead of last year's 52 percent and the 47 percent average. Cotton setting bolls was at 7 percent, close to 4 percent last year and above the 3 percent average.

Sunflower planting was at 90 percent, near last year's 87 percent and the 91 percent average.

In the pasture and range report, conditions were rated 3 percent very poor, 7 percent poor, 28 percent fair, 48 percent good, and 14 percent excellent.

Overall, Kansas is experiencing a strong winter wheat harvest and favorable conditions for other key crops such as corn, soybeans, sorghum, and cotton. Despite varying moisture levels, the state's agricultural sector is showing resilience and progress.

Farmers continue to manage their fields effectively, ensuring a promising outlook for the growing season. Monitoring moisture levels and crop conditions will remain crucial as the season progresses to maintain this positive trajectory.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ygrek

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Categories: Kansas, Crops, Wheat, Weather

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