Using its AI-enabled predictive health platform to improve the security of the beef and dairy supply chain through early disease prediction, MyAnIML released today new geolocation technology to identify and find sick cattle 2-3 days in advance of symptoms to protect the health of the herd.
MyAnIML’s patent-pending technology employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict a broad range of total health indicators using the industry’s first facial - specifically a cow’s muzzle - recognition library dataset, designed and built by MyAnIML. Its newly released Bluetooth-enabled ear tag helps producers quickly find the individual animal in the herd in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
“We know from advances in human biometrics and deep-learning technology that the face can be a reliable predictor of disease. Using the same concept, we can now ‘fingerprint’ an individual cow’s muzzle to monitor its health and predict a variety of issues days in advance,” said Shekhar Gupta, MyAnIML’s founder and CEO, who discovered and commercialized the first-of-its-kind technology solution in animal agriculture. “By addressing symptoms early, we can better ensure the health and well-being of the entire herd for a more reliable and efficient food supply chain.”
MyAnIML's technology uses a cow's muzzle to predict illness earlier. It's new Bluetooth ear tag helps ranchers find the individual animal fast to protect the health of the herd.
MyAnIML's technology uses a cow's muzzle to predict illness earlier. It's new Bluetooth ear tag helps ranchers find the individual animal fast to protect the health of the herd.
Together, the hardware and software stack offer the global beef and dairy industries a more precise method of herd health management when profit margins continue to be razor thin and the cost of meat, dairy and other food products remain high. Based on a comprehensive analysis of cattle lost to diseases, cost of medical treatment and low productivity impacts, MyAnIML estimates the U.S. cattle industry loses approximately $200 billion annually. For example, Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) costs the U.S. feedlot industry up to $900 million annually in treatment costs, and total industry losses are much higher when productivity losses are factored in, according to the American Society of Animal Science.
BRD is just one of many diseases and health metrics MyAnIML identifies days before other health technologies, allowing producers to isolate the animal and start earlier treatment.
Predictive analytics reduces antibiotics use, creates more resilient supply chains
Earlier treatment means cattle producers can use antibiotics more efficiently, reducing costs and inhibiting the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a rising concern amongst health professionals.
More than 70% of all medically important antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used in livestock production. The cattle industry takes up the bulk of that demand, using antibiotics to treat sick animals and as a preventative measure. A typical 5000-head feedlot spends $250,000 annually on antibiotics just to preemptively treat calves for BRD, Gupta said.
Photo Credit: MyAniML
Categories: Kansas, Livestock, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle