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Kansas boosts wildfire defense with new grants

Kansas boosts wildfire defense with new grants

By Scout Nelson

The Kansas Forest Service (KFS) has announced a crucial development in wildfire prevention with the receipt of three grants totaling $340,200 from the U.S. Forest Service.

This funding, part of the Community Wildfire Defense Grants (CWDG) program under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is aimed at bolstering wildfire defenses in urban areas of Kansas, specifically in Chase, Butler, and Leavenworth counties.

"We hope this plan will be a steppingstone to moving forward with projects that can reduce our wildfire risk, especially for those communities in the urban wildfire interface in our county,” said Keri Korthals, Butler County Emergency Director. Her statement highlights the intended impact of these funds on enhancing community safety and preparedness.

The grants are designed to support the development and implementation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs). These plans are collaborative efforts involving local fire departments, emergency managers, and community stakeholders.

They play a critical role in preparing communities for the threat of wildfires, especially those situated in the wildfire urban interface, a particularly vulnerable area.

To date, the Kansas Forest Service, an independent agency housed within K-State Research and Extension, has facilitated the creation of such plans in six counties across the state. The plans for Chase, Butler, and Leavenworth were integral to their successful applications for CWDG funding.

In the broader context, the U.S. Forest Service has allocated $1 billion over five years to support wildfire prevention projects through the CWDG program. This funding is accessible to at-risk communities, local governments, tribal units, nonprofits, and state forestry agencies.

The initiative represents a significant milestone in Kansas' ongoing efforts to diminish wildfire risks through education, planning, and strategic investment. By strengthening community preparedness, Kansas aims to safeguard both its natural landscapes and the people who live within them.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-paul-hartley

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Categories: Kansas, General, Government & Policy

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