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Keeping livestock cool at county fairs

Keeping livestock cool at county fairs

By Scout Nelson

County fair season is here in Kansas, offering great opportunities for enjoying sunny days and fun with friends. The heat can be tough on livestock, making it crucial to keep animals cool.

A.J. Tarpoff, a beef extension veterinarian at Kansas State University, emphasizes the importance of monitoring livestock for signs of heat stress.

Heat stress affects all animals and humans alike. It occurs when the body can’t eliminate excessive heat. Cattle, in particular, handle heat differently than other animals.

They struggle with sweating, making them dependent on their respiratory system to dissipate heat. Cattle accumulate heat during the day and release it at night when it’s cooler. “It takes 4-6 hours to return cattle to regular temperature,” Tarpoff said.

Signs of heat stress in cattle include unusual behavior, reduced feed intake, increased standing time, and crowding around water. In the show barn, animals may also display an increased breathing rate.

To keep animals cool, ensure barns have ample ventilation. Heat stress mitigation strategies should be planned with cattle comfort in mind, and each strategy will be unique to the housing situation. Factors to consider include the animal’s hair coat (winter or summer), hair color, and past health issues.

Tarpoff advises reducing animal handling during heat intervals, with handling events completed by 10:00 AM. “Weighing, processing, sampling, and shipping cattle are all necessary tasks, but they should be strategically conducted during the very early morning hours to ensure cattle comfort,” Tarpoff said.

Providing plenty of water to cattle is another way to avoid heat stress. The amount of water cattle need doubles as the heat increases from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tarpoff also encourages youth to consider moisture levels from the washing areas. Some locations can artificially increase the humidity and cause unneeded stress on livestock. “Monitoring conditions and preparing for heat stress is a must when caring for your animals,” he said.

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Categories: Kansas, Livestock, Beef Cattle

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