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KLA's Role in Farming Legislation

KLA's Role in Farming Legislation

By Scout Nelson

During the last full week of committee meetings before turnaround, Kansas Livestock Association (KLA) staff testified on several legislative bills crucial to agriculture. These testimonies aimed to influence decisions on the House and Senate floors, reflecting KLA's advocacy for practical and beneficial agricultural policies.

In water resource management, KLA supported HB 2172 in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, advocating for the creation of a Water Program Task Force to ensure adequate funding for state water programs. Additionally, KLA backed HB 2113, which proposes increasing the State Water Plan's annual funding by $20 million, elevating it to a total of $55 million starting July 1, 2025.

Conversely, KLA opposed HB 2114, which would raise dam inspection fees and permit charges, advocating for amendments to align the bill with KLA’s policy preferences on water resource management.

In the energy sector, KLA shifted from initial opposition to neutrality on HB 2107 after collaborating with electric utilities to amend language concerning economic damage calculations when utility-related fires occur. This showcases KLA's role in negotiating terms that protect landowners' rights without stifling utility operations.

Furthermore, KLA and the Kansas Farm Bureau jointly supported SB 92, which seeks to extend the review period for transmission line sitting applications, enhancing public and landowner involvement in the process.

On the taxation front, KLA testified neutrally on HCR 5011, which proposes a constitutional amendment to alter residential property tax valuations to potentially use a rolling fair market average, advocating for a phased implementation to minimize impacts on agricultural land.

KLA also championed HB 2254, promoting financial protections for milk producers by mandating that milk processors hold payments in trust until fully paid. Another significant stance was taken on HB 2253, where KLA supported increasing the legal penalties for livestock theft, highlighting the need for stricter enforcement to deter crime.

In wildlife management, KLA advocated for SB 80, aiming to revise the issuance of nonresident landowner deer permits to ensure fair and regulated hunting permissions.

Through these actions, KLA demonstrates its commitment to shaping agricultural policy in Kansas, reflecting the broader interests of its members and the agricultural community at large.

Photo Credits:kansas-livestock-foundation

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Categories: Kansas, Energy, Government & Policy

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