When people dream about building a home in the country, selecting the location of the onsite wastewater system is not often the first thing they think about. And yet, it is important to give that some consideration early in the planning process, said Kansas State University soil management specialist DeAnn Presley.
“The location and type of system that is installed can vary greatly in cost,” Presley said.
While many city-dwellers use the municipal system and pay city taxes for their upkeep, that is often not an option for those who live down country roads. They will often install an on-site wastewater system, Presley said.
“About 20% of Kansans use an onsite wastewater system, also known as septic systems,” Presley said.
The two onsite systems include septic tanks that disperse in lateral fields; and lagoon ponds.
To determine the best option for the home site, Presley advised reaching out to the county health department. She said that all health departments have environmental specialists who work with homeowners in evaluating the soil and make recommendations on system locations.
“The county environmental health staff will describe one or more soil profiles, ” Presley said. “By evaluating the soil structure (thickness), color and texture, we know how the soil will drain.” Two additional considerations are the presence, absence or depth to bedrock or a water table.
Source: hpj.com
Photo Credit: environmental-protection-agency
Categories: Kansas, Rural Lifestyle