By Scout Nelson
For the week ending April 28, 2024, Kansas farmers had 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork, reported by the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Soil conditions were mixed, with topsoil moisture at 25% very short, 31% short, 35% adequate, and 9% surplus.
Subsoil moisture showed similar trends with 23% very short, 36% short, 35% adequate, and 6% surplus.
Field Crops Report: Winter wheat's condition varied, with 10% rated very poor, 21% poor, 38% fair, 28% good, and 3% excellent.
The crop's development is well ahead of schedule with 84% of the wheat jointed, surpassing last year's 57% and the five-year average of 65%.
Wheat headed reached 33%, significantly ahead of 9% last year and the 6% average.
Corn planting progressed to 39%, outstripping last year’s 31% and the average of 29%. Corn emergence was also ahead at 17%, compared to 8% last year and 6% on average.
Soybean planting was at 12%, closely matching last year's 11% but ahead of the 6% average.
Sorghum planting was at 2%, similar to last year and the average. Cotton planting remained steady at 1%, consistent with previous years.
This early season advantage reflects well on Kansas' agricultural prospects, with crops developing rapidly under favorable weather conditions and good soil moisture.
Photo Credit -gettyimages-shotbydave
Categories: Kansas, Crops