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Kansas Legislature Moves Forward After Turnaround

Kansas Legislature Moves Forward After Turnaround

The Kansas Legislature had a slow start following turnaround week. Both Senate and House committees are working to schedule hearings on bills that were passed in the opposite chamber prior to the February 24 deadline. KLA staff continues to monitor bills of interest to members, two of which were passed in the House of Representatives this week.

Brand registration fees - If enacted, KLA-supported HB 2543 would increase the maximum amount the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) can charge for brand registration fees from $55 to $100. It also would allow KDA to charge an application fee for each new brand. The brand fee fund is used to support one administrative staff position and the state’s two livestock theft investigators. The bill passed the House on a vote of 111-4.

KDA poultry fees - HB 2608, if enacted, would enable KDA to charge fees for services being provided to the poultry industry, such as poultry disease prevention plans and diagnostic testing. These poultry services currently are being funded through the animal disease control fund, which is supported by livestock fees.

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Photo Credit: kansas-livestock-foundation

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