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USDA updates on crop and soil conditions

USDA updates on crop and soil conditions

By Scout Nelson

For the week ending August 18, 2024, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service reported 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork. Top-soil moisture levels were rated at 12% very short, 35% short, 51% adequate, and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture was similarly rated at 13% very short, 42% short, 44% adequate, and 1% surplus.

The report highlighted the condition of several key crops. Corn conditions were rated as 9% very poor, 16% poor, 30% fair, 34% good, and 11% excellent. Corn in the dough stage reached 88%, ahead of last year's 77% and the five-year average of 76%. Corn dented was at 48%, surpassing last year's 41% and the 39% average, while 7% of the corn was mature, close to last year and the average.

Soybean conditions were rated as 3% very poor, 10% poor, 28% fair, 48% good, and 11% excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 90%, near last year's 93% and the 89% average. Pods were set at 67%, slightly behind last year's 73% but equal to the average.

Sorghum conditions were reported as 7% very poor, 13% poor, 37% fair, 38% good, and 5% excellent. Sorghum headed was 80%, ahead of both last years and the average of 72%. The coloring process was 28%, ahead of last year's 19% and the 17% average, with 1% mature, consistent with last year.

Cotton conditions were rated at 1% very poor, 10% poor, 41% fair, 37% good, and 11% excellent. Cotton setting balls were at 93%, ahead of last year's 83% and the 75% average. Bolls opening reached 12%, near last year's 9% and ahead of the 7% average.

Pasture and range conditions were also noted, with 8% rated very poor, 17% poor, 34% fair, 36% good, and 5% excellent.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Kansas, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Sorghum

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